Administravia: Just uploaded a pile of videos:
Also, I changed a few feeds on CLUG Park from RSS to Atom, so sorry about any RSS-reader-spamming.
Looks like the September Geekdinner list is filling up nicely. To anyone on the waiting list, keep an eye on that wiki right up to the last moment: we Capetonians are notorious for dropping out at the last minute, especially if the weather is bad. I’d expect a reasonable number of drop-outs - we thought the last dinner was going to be overflowing, and there was still space at the end.
I’ve just done a round of updates on Planet GeekDinner and I’m glad to see a good sprinkling of new faces (or is that geeks with new websites?). If you’d like your GeekDinner related posts to be syndicated on the planet and I’ve missed your blog or got the wrong website please let me know.
I’ve finally jumped on the Linkedin bandwagon. Amongst other things, I’ve added a GeekDinner Group.
I videoed the talks at recent Eccentric Eggplant GeekDinner. The videos are available in Ogg format, and should play in VLC. Like the CLUG talks, they are all available in 3 qualities. Don’t expect to be able to read slides in anything but the high quality version.
I’ve updated planet geekdinner to pick up *camp posts.
As usual, as long as your post mentions the words *camp or geek-dinner, it should make the planet. We can no longer use tag feeds, as “geekdinner” and “*camp” are generally separate tags.
For regex geeks, the regex is ([gG]eek[ -]?[dD]inner|([sS]tar|\*)[ -]?[cC]amp)
On another note, I don’t know if I’m going to make star-camp - I might well be away that weekend. But hopefully I’ll be there.