For the bloggers on Clug Park, who don’t deign to follow clug-chat or #clug, there have been recent discussions about creating a separate, filtered park for readers with less free time.
The problem is basically that some people post a lot of posts. Sometimes as much as half of the park is dominated by one poster. While this isn’t a problem per se (some people clearly have more blogging time), it means readers have more to wade through, and can feel swamped my the prolific posters. Many would prefer something with a higher signal-to-noise ratio, and lower volume.
As communities grow, the signal-to-noise ratio often suffers, and the higher volume is too much for some readers. Rather than lose the readers, we’d like to provide an alternative, filtered park. It’s currently being prepared here. Personally, I’ll still use the old park, as will many other prolific RSS-feed-followers.
What we need is for all the CLUG Parkers to create a “technical” tag, and tag all relevant posts as such. Then send me the URL of your new tag, and I’ll include it in the “park-tech”. (Or assure me that you don’t post too prolifically, and only tech-related posts, and we’ll carry your entire feed).
Lets see if we can make it work.
I’ve updated planet geekdinner to pick up *camp posts.
As usual, as long as your post mentions the words *camp or geek-dinner, it should make the planet. We can no longer use tag feeds, as “geekdinner” and “*camp” are generally separate tags.
For regex geeks, the regex is ([gG]eek[ -]?[dD]inner|([sS]tar|\*)[ -]?[cC]amp)
On another note, I don’t know if I’m going to make star-camp - I might well be away that weekend. But hopefully I’ll be there.