Acer Laptop Woes - part 7

I have my laptop back. And I didn’t have to pay a cent to get it fixed (excluding my time, phone calls, faxes, and 2 months without it)

I got back from my Christmas Holiday at Arniston today, to find my laptop in a bag, waiting for me on the kitchen counter. The maid must have signed for it this morning.

My laptop is returned

It took me a while to get it to work nicely again (the first seating of my Atheros MiniPCI wifi card didn’t work), but I’m very happy to have it back again. I’ve really missed it (I know, it’s sad…) :-)

Thank you Acer.


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glad to hear u got the ferarri

glad to hear u got the ferarri back back in running order. did acer put back the roaring engine sounds too?

What happened about the 3yr wa

What happened about the 3yr warranty tho?? I'm looking at buying a laptop in USA and now I'm a bit scared.. :)

The seller never gave me the p

The seller never gave me the paperwork for it, and that was that :-(

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