Playing with a server

I’m having fun with a dedicated server.

A video-hosting site that I admin is currently hosted on a colo box with some very expensive bandwith. While the burstable bandwidth we can get on it is amazing, it’s staggeringly expensive, and we have a small quota. Thus we can’t sustain too much traffic.

For poorer customers, I want to look at some cheaper bandwidth… are having a special where you can try a dedicated box for £0.99 for it’s first month. With 2TiB of traffic / month (2 orders of magnitude more than the co-lo box) it is more than up to the job, and upgrading to an un-metered 10M link is cheap.

So, I’m trying out the mid-range option. I get a GiB of RAM, 80GB HDD, and more bandwidth than I know what to do with. A bittorent :-) test shows that it’s reasonably well connected.

Now to set up a demo website and see how it compares to our current uber-expensive box.


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any updates on how this went ?

any updates on how this went ? Specifically what actual bandwidth are you getting from and how does it vary and has it varied in the past ?

I couldn't find any test files from, what would better is finding test files among customers.

It works very nicely. The 10Mb

It works very nicely. The 10Mbps uncapped connection behaves like 100Mbps uncapped, for UK traffic.

Throughput to the US and elsewhere varies, but is still decent.

Sorry, but I don't have any test files that I can point you to.

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